=========================================================================== - Directions to Jungle area in Altheon - - W,n,4nw,5n,4ne,n,9e,kill aven,12e,7n,e,enter mural, 2e, 7n,3e,2n, Tamba. - Tamba - - Has dark obsidian amulet for thieves - Gives tserv amulets - Launous - - Directions to Launous from Tamba - - 2s,e,u,4w,3n,2w - Ep drains, heals, specials go through stuns, room is no tp (the one to the east of him isn't though. Drops nice tserv items - Udo - - Directions to Udo from Tamba - - 2s,e,u,4w,2s,2e - A unique cloak (Topaz cloak) Id's to Mind cloak for Psions and Mages other then that, tserv cloaks - Farrida - - Directions to Farrida from Tamba - - 1s,2w,n,w - Farrida is useless as far as I know, but if you ask about clarinet, I think there is a golden clarinet (bard unique) that he might pop with - Tatjana - - Directions to Tatjana from Tamba - - 2s,4w,d,s,w,4s,e *door is locked* get the key from Tambas corpse - Tatjana has a unique whip, whip of the jungle, or something of that sorts, anything that isn't vine whip. - Area Exit - - From Tamba, enter mural, w,7s,w,n,your at green inn in altheon- ===========================================================================