Red wonderstone

From Astarian Wiki
Revision as of 12:49, 13 April 2023 by Braemar (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Description== ===Basic Description=== This is a piece of wonderstone rock that is smoothed and polished on two sides, the top and bottom.  The other edges are more jagged with natural angles and points, just like the whole stone would have looked before it was altered.  There is a definite striped pattern with alternating white and red colors that vary in thickness over the surface.  The streaks are angled toward one side, as if they were reaching for something or p...")
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Basic Description

This is a piece of wonderstone rock that is smoothed and polished on two sides, the top and bottom.  The other edges are more jagged with natural angles and points, just like the whole stone would have looked before it was altered.  There is a definite striped pattern with alternating white and red colors that vary in thickness over the surface.  The streaks are angled toward one side, as if they were reaching for something or pulled directionally by some unseen force.  These rocks are treasured for their ability to absorb and emit magic which makes them a valuable commodity.



Reagent for
