Anoint (Paladin Skill)

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Level: 8
Skill: healing
Syntax: anoint <target> with <unguent>
Cost: 35

Paladins are well known for their compassion and skills in the area of healing. A properly trained paladin can combine his or her healing powers with the gifts granted by Artrimas to apply a healing unguent or lay a powerful benediction with holy water. A paladin can anoint most any fellow follower of Artrimas, healing that person of some of his or her wounds and weariness. A specialist in the healing skills of the paladin may be capable of conferring temporarily increased regeneration to the anointed individual in addition to the immediate feeling of wellbeing that such a rite always bestows. Since the effects are divinely granted, even cursed objects or demonic spells that would normally interfere with this healing may be overcome by the power of this benediction.

Anointing has also been known to cure a number of demonic afflictions and many common wasting ailments. Objects (or the caster himself) may be anointed at no cost to the caster, but usually little effect.

- Anointing requires a vial of holy water or an unguent of some sort and will consume one quantity or dose if the container used contains more than a single use.
- If the container used is nearly empty, the vial itself may well be consumed entirely in this rite.
- One may not annoint unbelievers or heretics. 
- One may anoint the walking dead, but the effects of doing so are unknown.
- One may not perform the rite of anointment while engaged in battle.
- A specialist in the arts of healing will be able to cast out the effects of vile curses, madness, or rage with perfect success. In addition, further such effects will be removed one at a time, once for each time the healing effect of the benediction affects the target.
- While the regenerative effects persist for a length of time after the rite is complete, they will often last only a minute as read upon the sands of the Astarian hourglass (help calendar).

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