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O---<::::::;;;;[]xxxxxx[}------------------------------------[ Bank ]---O
| Level   : 10                                                          |
| Skill   : Theft                                                       |
| Syntax  : bank branches                                               |
|           bank threshold [amount in copper]                           |
|           bank <branch> [on | off]                                    |
| Cost    : none                                                        |
|  Being frequented by virtually everyone, banks have proven to be an   |
|  effective location for placing certain individuals that are loyal    |
|  to the thieves' guild. By enabling notification, you request to be   |
|  informed when individuals enter a particular bank.  Additionally,    |
|  you may instruct the scouts not to bother you with people who deal   |
|  in paltry sums of money.                                             |