Clean (Fighter Feat)

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Guild Level:  11
SP Cost:      25
Skill:        Survival
Syntax:       clean <corpse>

One of the main feats of survival for a fighter is the ability to clean the corpse of a fallen opponent, wresting nourishment from the body while it is still in good condition. The quality of the food created with this feat is dependent both on the quality of the body in question and on your survival skill. While the name of the food created may seem quite extravagant, it can always be referred to by the word "food". Also note that food created with this feat does not rot.


The food created with clean is initially more filling than typical food in the realm for example the food from taverns and therefor the fighter will fill their stomachs fast to regenerate the same amount of health, magical energy and endurance. As Survival skill and difficulty of monster go up, the food becomes less filling for the amount of health it recovers. A high level fighter can clean corpses from larger monsters and create food which regenerates well over 60 health, magic and endurance points.

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