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O---<::::::;;;;[]xxxxxx[}---------------------------------[ Confuse ]---O
| Level   : 20                                                          |
| Skill   : streetfighting                                              |
| Syntax  : confuse <target>                                            |
| Cost    : 60 sp                                                       |
|  Making full use of their sleight of hand, stealthy maneuvering, and  |
|  creative concoctions, an accomplished thief is able to create great  |
|  confusion in their enemies, often enough to prevent them from using  |
|  many (if not all) of their special abilities or tactics. It is worth |
|  noting that enemies with higher intellect will be more resistant to  |
|  your attempts at confusion, though being creative with your choice   |
|  of aids in your attempt has been known to be beneficial.             |