Empower (Druid Skill)

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Guild Level:  12
SP Cost:      50 spell points
Skill:        Atmosphere
Syntax:       empower <staff|rod|wand> with <lightning|fire|ice>

Employing the same element-harnessing power granted to druid through blast, by using "empower", a druid may bind a particular natural force to a staff, rod, or wand, granting it extra damage and effects associated with that element.


One of the more useful spells to a Druid, this spell allows a Druid to add an extra damage special to any rod, staff, or wand in the Druid's inventory. The duration of the empowerment works like the Paladins' bless ability or the Thieves' poison ability, in that its duration is measured in rounds in which the weapon uses its special, not time. With greater skill, the duration of the empower increases. Unlike a poisoned weapon, once something is empowered it will stay empowered until the spell is exhausted.