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Guild Level:  8
SP Cost:      50 spell points
Skill:        Clairsentience
Syntax:       farwarn [message|show|destroy [all/#]]

With this power, you leave behind a psychic presence that informs you of movement in the area. Further, you can leave a psychic message that is heard by everyone who enters the room while your farwarn is active.

farwarn [<message>] - Set up farwarner. Message optional
farwarn show - Show location of all your farwarners
farwarn destroy [all] - Destroy all your farwarners
farwarn destroy <#> - Destroy a specific farwarner

The number of farwarners you can have active at once depends on your clairsentience, but you cannot have any unless this skill is at least 11.


You can set a farwarner in a mobs room to check when it has respawned. This does not always work well, you often have to "farwarn show" to see that a mob has entered.