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Basic Description

| Foretell                                                                 |
| Level:  20                                                               |
| School: Divination, Enchantment                                          |
| Syntax: foretell <target>                                                |
| Cost:   80 sp*                                                           |
| "A fate is oft best left untold." -- Sh'Domo                             |
|                                                                          |
|    Sometimes, the wise words of the past are put aside by the curious,   |
| or the defiant - the mystic tarot can provide you with a means of        |
| unsettling your target by many degrees. Foretelling the fortune of a     |
| target should not be taken lightly however, an inexperienced Mage may    |
| find themselves calling forth any number of strange fates.               |
|                                                                          |
| * The associated cost of sealing tarot cards is not included in this     |
| amount.                                                                  |