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Using innate actions to express yourself!

One of the joys of role playing is expressing yourself through actions. Saying what you mean isn't always as effective as showing it. Luckily Astaria's wizzes feel the same, and have included a large list of built-in emotes for you to play with! So hold your sides laughing, throw back your head and cackle with glee, or zerbert your friends with some of these awesome and often comical actions.

Some emotes can be extended by specifying either a custom description or target in the current room:

  • sit: You sit down for a spell.
  • sit on the wall: You sit down on the wall.
  • sit orenthal: (while in GH) You sit down next to Orenthal for a chat.

However, not all emotes behave as one might expect, for example:

  • ?: You have a questioning expression on your face.
  • ? orenthal: You have a orenthal expression on your face. (expected a targetted emote)

To help players learn the various behaviours of emotes, the semote command by itself lists most emotes, and semote <emote> or semote <emote>/t (targetted emotes) previews an emote without using it, displaying it from every possible view of the different people involved. Currently, semote does not support previewing of custom description emotes.

  • semote flutter:
    • You see: You flutter your eyelashes.
    • Everyone else in the room sees: PlayerA flutters his eyelashes.
  • semote flutter/t:
    • You see: You flutter your eyelashes at Orenthal.
    • Random target, in this case Orenthal, sees: PlayerA flutters his eyelashes at you.
    • Everyone else in the room sees: PlayerA flutters his eyelashes at Orenthal.

**If you can't find the right words to describe what you're feeling,
typing :<action> will display your exact phrase to the room.

Ex. :stomps on the ground and harrumphs
:::PlayerA stomps on the ground and harrumphs:::

The semote command by itself:

| 12step     | cry        | handshake  | pat        | snort      |
| ?          | curtsey    | hang       | peer       | snuggle    |
| ack        | dance      | headbang   | phew       | sob        |
| adore      | die        | headdesk   | picknose   | spin       |
| agree      | disgust    | heh        | pine       | spit       |
| ah         | doh        | hehe       | poing      | squint     |
| ahem       | dream      | hiss       | point      | stare      |
| amen       | drool      | hmm        | ponder     | stfu       |
| applaud    | duck       | hop        | pounce     | stretch    |
| argh       | eek        | howl       | pout       | strut      |
| avert      | eep        | hrm        | preen      | sulk       |
| back       | facepalm   | hrmph      | purr       | swish      |
| bah        | faint      | hug        | quack      | takenote   |
| barf       | fart       | hum        | raise      | tango      |
| bark       | fear       | innocent   | roar       | tantrum    |
| beam       | flail      | itch       | rofl       | tap        |
| beep       | fleh       | kiss       | roll       | taunt      |
| beg        | flex       | kneel      | scratch    | think      |
| belch      | flip       | lag        | scream     | tremble    |
| bite       | flutter    | laugh      | secret     | trip       |
| bleah      | frolic     | lick       | shake      | twiddle    |
| blink      | frown      | lmao       | shiver     | twitch     |
| blush      | gag        | lol        | shrug      | wait       |
| boggle     | gasp       | loom       | shudder    | wave       |
| bonk       | getdressed | luck       | shuffle    | wedgie     |
| bounce     | giggle     | massage    | sigh       | weep       |
| bow        | glare      | moan       | sing       | whee       |
| brb        | gloat      | moo        | sit        | whew       |
| burp       | goafk      | mosh       | slobber    | whimper    |
| cackle     | grimace    | muha       | smile      | whine      |
| cheer      | grin       | mutter     | smirk      | whistle    |
| choke      | groan      | nap        | snap       | wiggle     |
| chuckle    | gross      | nirvana    | snarl      | wince      |
| clap       | grovel     | nod        | sneer      | wink       |
| click      | growl      | nudge      | sneeze     | wrinkle    |
| comfort    | grumble    | oink       | snicker    | yawn       |
| cough      | grunt      | pace       | sniff      | zerbert    |
| cower      | gulp       | pale       | sniffle    | zip        |
| cringe     | hail       | pant       | snore      | zowie      |