
From Astarian Wiki
Revision as of 18:21, 9 April 2023 by Braemar (talk | contribs)
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Basic Description

| Aethertap                                                                |
| Level:  12                                                               |
| School: Divination                                                       |
| Syntax: aethertap                                                        |
| Cost:   none                                                             |
|    With this incantation, the mage taps into the energy reserves         |
| discovered by the ancients. Legends hold that when an Archmage passes    |
| from this world to the next, he sheds himself of all remaining           |
| vestiges of magic energy, leaving it for those he has left behind.       |
| While tapped into this magical reservoir, a mage will replenish his      |
| magical energy at an increased rate.                                     |