Assail (Fighter Feat)

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Guild Level:  4
SP Cost:      25 SP
Skill:        Critical & Weapon Skills
Syntax:       assail <target>

A skilled fighter is able to orchestrate a well-timed, coordinated assault on his or her foes. Executing a series of elaborate maneuvers, you are able to both enhance the chance of landing powerful, accurate blows, and overwhelm your opponent, reducing his or her capacity to defend.

The general strategy employed on your attack will depend on the weapon you are using. For example, you may try to hack your opponent when using a cutting weapon, impaling when using a thrusting weapon, or pounding with a blunt weapon. Missile weapons, and even your fists, can also be used.

The force of your attack depends on your critical skill, your strength, dexterity, and your skill in handling the weapon you are using to perform the assault.


Your first offensive feat, and one that will come in handy for quite a number of levels. Assail does not have a timer - it can be used again immediately after it goes off.

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