Avatar (Paladin Skill)

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Level: 19 
Skill: prowess
Syntax: avatar
Cost: 150

Only the most powerful paladins can attempt this difficult spell.  A paladin who uses the spell will be filled with the spirit of Artrimas for a limited time.  During this time, you will be more resistant to most forms of attack, and you will fight with much greater skill.


Five Avatars are available to the Paladin, although the Paladin cannot control who will answer the call:

  • Arithiel, Avatar of Fire:
    Arithiel's pure focus is on damage and destruction. He is the most capable of dealing damage to the Paladin's enemies.
  • Raizel, Avatar of Protection:
    Focuses on healing and protecting the Paladin, while still delivering a potent blow to his or her enemies.
  • Mirazael, Avatar of Chaos:
    His effects are extremely unpredictable. He can heal the Paladin or he may decide to focus on damage. Additionally, the amount of healing or damage done will either double or be halved every round. This makes Mirazael capable of being a formidable ally, or a useless nuisance, depending on how lucky the Paladin is.
  • Gahariel, Avatar of the Seas:
    While Gahariel can deal a potent blow to the Paladin's target, her primary focus is replenishing the paladin's mystical powers.
  • Saramelae, Avatar of the Righteous
    Saramelae's focus is on terrorizing the Paladin's target, rendering him or her unable to move or attack for a few seconds. Like all the others, Saramelae will also attack and damage the target of her wrath while she is at the Paladin's service.

Avatar has a 90-second cooldown timer.