Banish (Paladin Skill)

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Level: 19
Skill: prayer
Syntax: banish <target>
Cost: 100

Paladins are granted power over creatures unnaturally bound to the world of the living through nefarious or mystical means. By reciting special prayers and calling upon the power of Artrimas, a paladin can attempt to banish such a creature, severing the bonds restraining it and allowing it to proceed to its final destination. Undead are most commonly the target of the banishing rite, although sorcerous heretics have been known to bind other, stranger creatures from time to time.

The effects of banishing a creature are largely dependent on the means by which it is bound, but will always result in the drastic and irreversible obliteration of its physical form on the material plane.

Even in cases where the banishing rite is not wholly successful in releasing its target, it will still often severely damage the bonds holding it in the world of the living.
