Escore (Elementalist Rite)

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While this is not strictly a rite of the elementalists, it is a command they have access to and is arguably their most useful command. It shows the element they are aligned with, their skills, and their synergy (if one has been unlocked).

Below is a sample output, taken from a low-level Elementalist:

          air              Skills
        /  |  \              Elementalism : 2
       /   |   \             Air Lore     : 4
      *    |    *            Earth Lore   : 4
     /     |     \           Fire Lore    : 4
    /      |      \          Water Lore   : 2
fire----opposes----water     Synergy Lore : 0
    \      |      /
     \     |     /         Elements
      *    |    *            Speciality   : None\None
       \   |   /             Aligned      : Air
        \  |  /              Synergistic  : None

NB: Some clients will show the element the player is aligned with on the diagram with a 'flash' code, thus it will appear to blink on and off.