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O---<::::::;;;;[]xxxxxx[}------------------------------------[ Tail ]---O
| Level   : 5                                                           |
| Skill   : perception                                                  |
| Syntax  : tail, tail stop, tail <target>                              |
| Cost    : 20 sp                                                       |
|  To assist in all manner of skullduggery, thieves have the ability to |
|  surreptitiously follow another being.  When tailing a target, as     |
|  that target leaves a room which you occupy, a thief will follow      |
|  immediately behind.  If, however, the target moves too quickly, the  |
|  trail may prove difficult to follow.                                 |
|                                                                       |
|     tail                Lists who, if anybody, a thief is tailing     |
|     tail <target>       Begins tailing the specified creature         |
|     tail stop           Ceases pursuit of a target                    |