Charm (Bard Skill)

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Level : 7
Skill : Charm
Syntax : charm <target|status>
         follower list
         follower <#|all> <release|follow|wait|defend|cease|summon>
Cost : 25 - 75 sp

The bards of old could use their charisma to sway entire armies to fight for particular causes. While modern bards are only capable of charming creatures on less epic scales, you still can convince non-player characters weaker than yourself to assist you on your forays.

Your chance of success depends highly on your charisma, skill level in charm, and the level of the target. As you progress in power, you will be able to maintain a larger number of concurrent followers. The cost of charming a follower will increase in line with your level in charm.

Each follower you sway toward your cause will consume a percentage of your available influence. To view the amount of influence consumed by each of your current followers, including your total available influence, use: "charm status"

You can command a particular follower, or all of your followers, with the following actions:

release - release the follower from your charm
follow - make the follower begin tailing you as you travel
wait - make the follower stop tailing you as you travel
defend - make the follower begin defending you in combat
cease - make the follower cease defending you in combat
summon - summon forth the follower if not currently in your room


"follower list" - list all of your followers along with IDs
"follower 1 defend" - make your follower with ID 1 defend you
"follower all release" - release all of your followers 


Not used overly often, this skill is nonetheless quite useful. It doesn't allowed for strong mobs to be controlled but having a follower to fight for you is handy.

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